As a candidate for commissioner in 2024, Marc Eberlein offers experience that matters. He served as Kootenai County Commissioner from January, 2015 to December, 2018 and his accomplishments speak for themselves.
The Coeur d’Alene Airport-Pappy Boyington Field continues to grow, and Eberlein has played an important part in that process. Eberlein’s collaboration with airport staff in communicating with stakeholders of property surrounding the airport resulted in a 95-acre acquisition for the institution. As part of that process, the staff and Eberlein also worked closely with the city of Hayden concerning land use ordinances to better protect the future of the airport.
The Kootenai County Jail expansion began several years before Eberlein took office, but it remained incomplete. As Eberlein explains it, “Instead, they always tried to pass a $50M-plus bond and get a new jail without finishing what they already started.” With input from architects and engineers, he and staff began a plan to add around 125 beds. As finalized, a $12M-plus fund balance built a 30,000 square-foot structure with additional space for approximately 100 beds for future need. It was ready for use in October, 2018. The former Sheriff also urged the commissioners to finish the additional 100 beds, even though the completed beds were adequate for several years to come. The Board rejected the Sheriff’s request, preserving tax dollars until absolutely needed. A primary concern was that if those additional beds were completed, then a way to fill them would be found. Many Kootenai County residents were against having a rent-a-jail in their backyard, with a purpose of housing inmates from outside of Kootenai County as a way to generate revenue. That didn’t happen. The empty space for the extra 100 beds was retained for the future needs of Kootenai County.
As commissioner, Eberlein worked to save taxpayer money and to benefit Kootenai County. At the 2016 fiscal-year budget hearing held in 2015, he motioned for a zero-tax-increase, which was adopted. He refused to receive a stipend as a Kootenai County Commissioner sitting on the EMS Board of Directors. He introduced a board-approved resolution, reminding the state and federal governments of the importance of properly vetting refugees and the risk of radical terrorists entering the country if this is not done. This resolution outlined the threats and costs posed to the nation at large, as well as to Kootenai County. In 2016, Eberlein worked with IT personnel to update the County website, which included adding a functional online multi-month calendar complete with meeting agendas, meeting audio, and increased access to documents.
Eberlein’s experience and private business background gives him significant knowledge of natural resources and how they affect our economy. In January 2016, a work plan proposal of the Coeur d’Alene Basin Restoration project group caused him concern. The proposed work plan, funded by a $140M Hecla settlement, appeared contrary to allowable expenditures per the court’s consent decree. Eberlein worked with commissioners from other counties to fight the plan as proposed. A document in protest was drawn up and signed by all 15 north Idaho commissioners and submitted to the pertinent agency.
In 2015-2016, Eberlein worked to consolidate, simplify, and update the Land Use Ordinance for the County. Some notable changes are as follows: home occupation permits are issued by right; waterfront property owners can stabilize/harden shoreline to prevent erosion damage, preserving water quality; parcels can be combined easily; allowable accessory building size was increased; accessory living quarters is now allowed; all codes from 1973 to date are finally contained in one book.
The only tax increase Eberlein supported during his 4 years of holding office was thanks to the impact of Obamacare on the 2017 fiscal-year budget – to the tune of an additional $1.7M cost to the County. Eberlein reluctantly supported a tax increase to fund $1.4M of that cost. He then met with new consultants to find solutions to the massive expense of the Affordable Care Act. The result was that in early 2017 the board hired a new insurance consultant and achieved a projected 2017 fiscal-year savings of more than $800k.
Eberlein voted against the 2018 fiscal-year budget tax increase. Eberlein deemed it unneeded and offered alternatives to keep tax at zero, but this was rejected by the other commissioners in a 2-1 vote.
Marc Eberlein has experience in the following elected or appointed offices:
- Kootenai County Commissioner
- District Magistrate Commission
- Board of Directors, Idaho Assn. of Counties
- Board of Directors, CdA Basin Commission (BEIPC)
- Board of Directors, Jobs Plus – CDA Econ. Dev. Council
- Board of Directors, Kootenai County Emergency Medical Services Joint Powers Board
- Board of Directors, Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Board of Directors, North Idaho Crisis Center